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Real Estate
Monday 7th February 2022 Sophia Ismail 

Smart devices in the home

The Law Society are considering amending the current TA10 Law Society Fittings and Contents form to include disclosure about smart products and appliances that maybe present in a home being sold.

The TA10 forms part of the Standard Contract Pack during a sale transaction and informs the buyer of those items being removed and those remaining on completion of a sale. As more and more homes include smart and internet connected products, it has been questioned whether there is a call for the forms to be updated. The Law Society have asked for our opinions and thoughts on the matter to be emailed to them at forms@lawsociety.org.uk by the 28thFebruary 2022.

Consideration needs to be given to the buyer being made aware of those items and products that will pass with the house and how they will take on the responsibility of these items and products. Does this also bring up other questions or concerns for a buyer?

For example, will that Ring doorbell CCTV that looked attractive when you viewed the property, be there when you move in or be removed. If it does stay, will you need to sign up to or be passed on an expensive contract that you were not expecting?

As prospective buyers have your say on the matter contact the Law Society. A focus group will also be formed, before they make their final decision. 


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